Artist, Educator, Environmental Activist

solar cart installed

Becoming with: A rhizomatic solar cart
Metal, wire, plastic, cement, sugarcane, oops paint, soil, Louisiana native and locally adapted vines, LED grow-lights + solar panels, batteries and electrical components, rain-water collection tank, and water pump

One half of the structure harvests solar energy and rainwater that will feed the plants grafted off the other side of this portable renewable resource. The installation combines practical sustainable ways of reducing the energy demands of our daily lives with imagined ecosystems that will colonize our cultural detritus after we have made this place unlivable if we don’t change course.

The installation moves throughout the city of New Orleans powered by humans, so that the moving of the piece also becomes a performance piece and an important part of the process, click here to see this process.

To see the open source plans for the solar cart, click here